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Profile name: Suzanne Bartlett
Family name/surname: Bartlett
First name: Suzanne
Qualifications/Post Nominals: Bachelor of Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Cancer & Palliative Care
Masters Advanced Nursing Practise (Nurse Practitioner - Medical Oncology)
BHS brief name: Bartlett, Suzanne
Biography: Sue has worked as an oncology nurse in various settings including surgical, medical and cancer coordination. She has worked in metropolitan, regional and rural settings. Sue is the current chair of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia Victorian State Group and has been a member of local, state, and international cancer reference and strategic groups in all aspects of oncology innovation and research.
Key research interests: Immunotherapy
Cancer Survivorship
Rural and Regional Cancer Delivery
Rural and Regional Patient Cancer Services
Type of item: Profile
Appears in Collections:Grampians Health Researcher Profiles

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