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Profile name: Denise Fitzpatrick
Family name/surname: Fitzpatrick
First name: Denise
Middle name/initials: Margaret
Qualifications/Post Nominals: Bachelor of Nursing
Graduate Certificate in Critical Care
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Redesign
Graduate Diploma in Project Management
BHS brief name: Fitzpatrick, Denise
Biography: Denise is a registered nurse and critical care nurse with experience in operational management and quality and safety. Denise has managed a Melbourne metropolitan private tertiary ICU and has also worked in various quality and safety roles in Melbourne and Ballarat. Denise has had the opportunity to lead a number of projects and counts the development of an End-of-life framework for BHS as one of the highlights of her career. This project resulted in publication of the paper 'No one said he was dying: Families' experiences of end-of-life care in an acute setting' 2018 Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing Vol 35 Iss 3. Denise has significant experience in clinical risk and clinical governance and this lead to her current role supporting the health services of the Grampians region with clinical governance. This work was recognized by Safer Care Victoria and Denise was invited to present at the inaugural Giant Steps conference in November 2019.
Key research interests: End of Life
Clinical governance and strategy
Clinical risk
Quality systems
Concussion in sport (related to community volunteering and developing sporting club policies for player management post concussion)
Appears in Collections:Grampians Health Researcher Profiles

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